Things to do in 2023: A new reveal.js theme

A new year is upon us and so that leads to the inevitableness of thinking about things i'd like to get done this year.

One thing that has cropped up already is I could really do with personalising a theme for reveal.js. Reveal.js is lovely, it's a HTML presentation framework that is great and my default for making presentations these days. For me, I like the fact it's just a website (something I can share via a URL), it's responsive across devices, and supports Markdown for writing slides. I particularly like how HackMD, my note making site of preference, also supports generating a reveal.js slidedeck straight from a hackpad.

However it's not perfect. It's hard to position multiple elements in a single slide. By default it doesn't support multi-column slides and the basic themes are a little basic.

So when I was asked to do a talk for January I thought to myself, why not take the opportunity to spice your reveal.js slides up a little bit. Why not have a think about making a custom theme! I looked at talks like this from Tania Allard and I think look at this cool way of doing reveal.js! It'll also be good for me to polish up my CSS and HTML knowledge as they're things I know but only so far as I can throw them (which isn't very far).

Turning back to prepare these slides for this January talk I know find myself in what I assume is not an unfamiliar conundrum. Do I have enough time to sort out my new theme and write these slides in time for the talk? We shall see.