What I've been reading
End of Year Review: the Russo-Ukraine War, Lawrence Freedman
Dark Energy May Not Exist: Something Stranger Might Explain The Universe, Michael Irving. Super interesting theory now with some supporting evidence that attempts to explain the expansion of the universe without dark matter. The idea that time passes differently between galactic filaments and voids is particularly crazy in my mind and opens the potential for the universe to be far older than we think.
POTA Activation Report: Upton Country Park, Ian Renton. Parks on the air, what a cool thing.
Kakizome, Japanese way of new-years resolution, Harimus blog
How We Cracked a 512-Bit DKIM Key for Less Than $8 in the Cloud
Why some DVLA digital services don't work at night, Dafydd Vaughan
Technology, ai, billionaires and the world order…, Martha Lane Fox
Thoughts on having SSH allow password authentication from the Internet, Chris Siebenmann
228. DeepSeek Has Been Inevitable and Here's Why (History Tells Us), Steven Sinofsky